So, what is the paleo diet? Broadly, the driving idea behind paleo diet is to ditch modern day processed foods and feed ourselves as our hunter-gatherer ancestors did thousands of years ago. The paleo diet focuses on whole foods that are easy to digest and supply a high nutritional density, like fresh veggies and fruits as well as fish, lean meats, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Spices, oils derived from nuts and fruit, as well as natural sweeteners like raw honey or maple syrup, are also part of the diet.
On the flip side, anything that requires processing is off the table. So say goodbye to dairy and grains as well as any additives or chemicals. You should also avoid sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin – and anything containing them. Vegetable oils, margarine, and trans fats are also a no-go.
In summary, the paleo diet emphasizes whole foods with minimal processing, and eliminates processed foods along with grains and legumes in order to improve overall health. Be sure to focus on the quality of your products. Shop organic and grass-fed if possible!
So how does this differ from other popular diets? Let’s find out.
Both diets are effective at helping you lose weight and improving overall health, but the paleo diet is much more adaptable to your everyday life since it is less strict than the keto diet.